Westeros; King's Landing.
Cersei is ruling, or thinks she is, the land in Tommen's stead. She is one of the most adept connivers in the series. However there are nuances that escape even her manipulations. She comes face to face with an enemy that she can neither comprehend nor vanquish. In this state she makes a seemingly innocent deal to neutralize an immediate crisis. However this might have unforeseen and unwanted consequences.
Once again Mr. Martin keeps us guessing which twist will lead us where and what character, main or insignificant, will survive to the next tale. However I felt a foreboding in this fourth book of the Fire and Ice series not felt in the earlier parts.
Book 5, 'Dance of the Dragons' is the next instalment I can hardly wait to consume. Then there are only two more books slated to complete the series. I don't know what i'll do waiting for them to be written and released!