Monday, November 21, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed | Video on

Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed | Video on

TED presents topics that no one else sees fit to share. Everyone I watch teaches me something about what I didn't know I didn't know.
I think that just understanding that is a huge step towards knowledge. That could be one of the most fundamental memes created and have
long lasting and cumulative effects. A stepping stone that can be created no other way!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

James Patterson

Despite Stephen King's charge that he's not a real author I think the guy's work is excellent. He always paints a scenario in a very lean, yet descriptive manner. As a result it's usually a quick read due to the lack of denseness.
I've consumed at least eight of his previous novels. Right now I'm reading THE POSTCARD KILLERS and have DONT BLINK next on my list. He has an easy going style that apparently translates well to the public. Each work is done with a guest author which I think adds a depth or familiarity to the subject at hand.
Literature ultimately has to entertain and I think he does that very well. I guess I'm not a real reader Stephen. Somehow I couldn't get through your last tome, UNDER THE DOME, even though I thought THE STAND was a masterpiece.