Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inside Google Books: "Game of Thrones" Author talks about Dwarves, Drag...

Inside Google Books: "Game of Thrones" Author talks about Dwarves, Drag...: Posted by Oliver Chiang, Google eBooks It was an epic geekfest that could only be matched by the likes of a Comic-Con or a Star Trek conv...
George seems like a down to earth guy and talks very easily about the process of writing, selling the written word for adaptation to television and his past journeys into script writing. Don't worry he gives NO SPOILERS.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Anonymous takes down darknet child porn site on Tor network

Anonymous takes down darknet child porn site on Tor network
A wonderful coup by the group being maligned in the press for their other activities. Continued actions such as this will go far into ingratiating themselves with the public.
We all know that governments have agendas separate to their citizens' well being. Anonymous could and should show all of us other better ways of doing things.
Fighting fire with fire never works. Water douses the flames, eventually.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dave Chappelle

I saw a post on FB today and it was a clip with an interview by James Lipton of Dave. The entire session was about 1 1/2 hours long, 10-10 clips.
Initially it started mundanely enough, where he was born, parents, schools, influences but then more revealing as it progressed. He related some things that have happened to him the last year. But with a clarity and honesty that isn't very prevalent in media these days.
The more into the interview he and Lipton ventured the more intriguing Dave became, as sort of a anti hero. I think he points out some things that we as WASPs don't understand, but through comedy can comprehend, just barely. As he stated the dialogue needs to be started. And if this nation (USA) is to become the greatest nation ever, a clarity, honesty and transparency needs to exist about who we really are.
You can judge for ourself.

Friday, October 14, 2011

ScienceDaily: Nanotechnology News

ScienceDaily: Nanotechnology News
I watched a program on CBC last night that totally fascinated me. It was called NANO TECHNOLOGY, a three part
presentation to be shown over three weekly episodes.
This new multi faceted engineering of material at the atomic level seems to be able to touch every aspect of life.
The effect it can have in medicine and construction seems to be amazing. However it showed one possibility that,
to me, seemed a bit creepy. Creating virtual friendships, perhaps even three dimensional, that have none of the 'pitfalls'
of the human kind. That is you can 'raise' a virtual child without argument and error. Wait a minute! Isn't a virtual
entity an avatar? Aren't the errors and pitfalls of raising a child inherent to the learning process, FOR both?
At the end of this, the first hour, only one flaw was highlighted. A scientist in the UK pointed out that there are
loose, debris type, atoms at the end of construction, that could be hazardous. The only thing I can think of comparing
it to is asbestos fibre, and the resulting asbestosis.
Great presentation! It got me thinking long after it was over.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Could Apple TV Use Siri? - Technology Review

Could Apple TV Use Siri? - Technology Review
October 13th and with all the Blackberry issues still forefront in the news some positive reinforcement is needed today.
We are at the point where the technical devices we use have been using 'their own' intelligence for some time.
Actually millions of lines of human created code; but now are able to respond to voice command. The next evolution.
Governments through programmes, with human assistance so far, are trying to pre empt targeted activity.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Any fan of his series THE GIRL IN THE DRAGON TATTOO series will be at least vaguely interested. I'm one of them; I found the series exciting and interesting as well as a good mystery.
Eva Gabrielsson, his partner of 30+ years before his untimely passing tries to clarify his world view, principles, and inspirations and tantalizes us as well by alluding to a fourth completed book found on his laptop.
At the moment his family is in the process of securing control of his estate, now huge due to the popularity of his works. She is, according to Swedish law, not entitled since they weren't married.
Whatever the motivation, this read of under 200 pages, is interesting to one of his fans, me!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I finished reading the biography of Mitkin's exploits versus mainly western based phone companies and their computer systems. I don't consider him to be a black or white hacker by modern day definition. He didn't travel via the internet, infiltrate, exploit and/or ruin the capacity to operate.
He became a 'phisher' as many, even including Wozniak and Jobs of Apple fame. It was in the challenge of the task that he fed his pride. He says that he didn't do it as a criminal enterprise even though there were funds made so he could devote more time to his 'craft'. His method was not an electronic intrusion but the oldest scam in the world, what he called 'social engineering' or more commonly called flim flam, confidence, or misrepresenting oneself to gain information. It was then that he used his talents as programmer to gather assets. He clearly was hooked on the game and paid dearly for it. But, in the end, his crime does pay as he morphed himself into doing what clearly was an obsession. He does now what he did before incarceration FOR corporations, to show they can ratchet up their security against people like him! Life is strange!
It was an interesting book depicting a modern day tale of 'the wild wild west' theme.