Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dave Chappelle

I saw a post on FB today and it was a clip with an interview by James Lipton of Dave. The entire session was about 1 1/2 hours long, 10-10 clips.
Initially it started mundanely enough, where he was born, parents, schools, influences but then more revealing as it progressed. He related some things that have happened to him the last year. But with a clarity and honesty that isn't very prevalent in media these days.
The more into the interview he and Lipton ventured the more intriguing Dave became, as sort of a anti hero. I think he points out some things that we as WASPs don't understand, but through comedy can comprehend, just barely. As he stated the dialogue needs to be started. And if this nation (USA) is to become the greatest nation ever, a clarity, honesty and transparency needs to exist about who we really are.
You can judge for ourself.

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