Friday, October 14, 2011

ScienceDaily: Nanotechnology News

ScienceDaily: Nanotechnology News
I watched a program on CBC last night that totally fascinated me. It was called NANO TECHNOLOGY, a three part
presentation to be shown over three weekly episodes.
This new multi faceted engineering of material at the atomic level seems to be able to touch every aspect of life.
The effect it can have in medicine and construction seems to be amazing. However it showed one possibility that,
to me, seemed a bit creepy. Creating virtual friendships, perhaps even three dimensional, that have none of the 'pitfalls'
of the human kind. That is you can 'raise' a virtual child without argument and error. Wait a minute! Isn't a virtual
entity an avatar? Aren't the errors and pitfalls of raising a child inherent to the learning process, FOR both?
At the end of this, the first hour, only one flaw was highlighted. A scientist in the UK pointed out that there are
loose, debris type, atoms at the end of construction, that could be hazardous. The only thing I can think of comparing
it to is asbestos fibre, and the resulting asbestosis.
Great presentation! It got me thinking long after it was over.

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